Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Hopping on the Furniture Before-and-After Bandwagon

I spend a great deal of my online time reading creative blogs.  Blogs that inspire.  Blogs that make me smile.  And blogs with great "before and afters."  These are my favorite!  I've been captivated with furniture transformations, giving cast-offs a new lease on life.

Well, after two years of reading about them, I've finally joined the bandwagon, scouring neighborhood garage sales, swap meets, vintage markets and thrift shops in search of potential victims beauties. 

And here is my very first furniture before-and-after:  the step stool.


The Before
(They should've paid me to take it off their hands.)
And with sanding, painting and a freezer-transfer, I present
The After

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And I'm just warming up!  I've got a few more fabulous finds waiting patiently for my next makeover.

Thanks to every one of you (and you know who you are) for your inspiration.  And a special thank you to Karen at The Graphics Fairy for some last-minute hand-holding advice.

Partying here: Graphics Fairy, Le Chateau des Fleurs,Mod Vintage Life Mod Mix MondayOne Artsy Mama, Lil Luna, Domestically Speaking, Project Queen, Ginger Snap Crafts, From my Front Porch to Yours THT, French Country Cottage, Suzy's Sitcom, House of Hepworths, Katherine's Corner,My Repurposed Life, Craftionary, Doodles and Stitches, Miss Mustard Seed, Serenity Now, The Answer is Chocolate, Flamingo Toes