Monday, November 12, 2012

Sunshine in a Box

Our younger daughter is in college on the east coast.  It's wonderful for her to experience the other side of the country.  The city she lives in is full of rich history, has beautiful architecture and open spaces, and has a bustling city center.  And she is in the middle of it. 
With this big adventure comes a completely different kind of winter than she is used to here in Southern California.  When it's cold outside, it's really cold.  Instead of "chillin', she's really chilly!  Carry an umbrella?  Maybe two!  Fashion boots?  Not even close.  Rain boots are the trend.
So what's a Mom to do?  Send her some Sunshine in a Box! 
tossed the contents out of re-purposed a yellow box, found yellow polka-dot tissue paper in our gift wrap drawer, and then scoured the stores for sunny-yellow items!  I scored with a bag of Lemonhead candy, a yellow tissue pack, yellow nail polish, a yellow bath sponge, soft yellow gloves (with special woven tips so you can text while wearing them), and a yellow squeezy squishy ball. 

Our daughter received it within a couple of days, and she said it was the best surprise ever.  I think it warmed her heart.  I know it certainly warmed mine.


  1. what a sweet idea and surprises like this always put smiles on their faces great job mom
    come see what I shared at

  2. This is such a great idea. I'm sure she loved it!! Thanks for linking up at Romance on a dime!!


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