Friday, November 23, 2012

Add Color to Your Chanukah Decor

                        Hanukkah coaster and tray decor
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Growing up in San Francisco, our winters didn't consist of "dashing through the snow" or making snow angels -- we tried, but there's not a lot one can make out of dense fog. Unless you count blowing fog rings out of the chilly night air.

We would count the Christmas trees we passed while riding here and there. The holiday trees were so colorful, especially the ones that stood on a spinning table, rotating beautiful colors around the window panes.

We celebrated the eight nights of Chanukah. Instead of colorful lights, we decorated our home in just two colors: blue & white.   Blue & white hanging dreidels, blue & white tablecloths, blue & white lights around the living room name it, our decor was simply blue & white.  

Chanukah gift wrap could only be found in shades of blue and white. Or maybe, silver, if you looked hard enough.
Chanukah decor
Chanukah decor has changed over the last few decades. Now Chanukah comes in every color imaginable. Gift wrap, menorahs, decorations, tableware, and spinning dreidels come in bright pinks, greens, yellows and more.
I decided to alter a mundane wooden serving tray in the new "Chanukah colors." I found bright fuchsia, lime green & turquoise gift wrap in my Chanukah stash.  It was perfect. 
I painted the tray with two coats of a dark pink/fuchsia color. I cut a piece of gift wrap to fit snugly inside the tray and adhered it with Mod Podge.  When dry to the touch, I covered it with another coat of MP. This got me I altered a tile coaster to match.  Just need one more coaster
Decorataing a Hanukkah tray with gift wrap
and my tray is ready for company.
Hanukkah coaster and tray decor

Hanukkah crafts
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  1. What a simple transformation with some wonderful color injected into it! Love it!

  2. I saw some of those new colors for Chanukah earlier this month and thought how "un" - traditional! I love the blue and white (sometimes silver), but the new colors are very cheerful. As a Christmas lover, I have strayed this year from the traditional red and green to soft pink and a mossy green. Thank you for inviting me over from the comment left on my blog. I enjoyed reading down the page especially about the bloggers' social.

  3. I love the blue and white and silver colors!
    San Francisco is my favorite city! I love it there. I love living so close too!

    Thank you for linking your favorite post to Raising Imperfection. Please come back Friday to see if you were featured.


  4. Nice! So festive, colorful, and fun! I'm glad you shared this at Shine on Fridays!

  5. Hi Doreen.
    I love color - lots and lots of color. And while I don't celebrate Chanukah, the silver and blue is so beautiful I think that color scheme can be used no matter what holiday you celebrate. Thanks for stopping by Two Martini Lunch. I have added you to my reader and followed you on Pinterest.

  6. Everything looks great. I love that serving tray!

    Visiting today from the Raising Imperfection hop.

  7. I love altered projects, but I'm not very good at coming up with ideas. Yours turned out really cute! Love it :)

    Thanks for sharing with my NO RULES Weekend Blog Party!


  8. I love your colorful tray, very pretty and festive.

    Thanks for linking up to Raising Imperfection!

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  10. The tray looks gorgeous! Thank you for stopping by my blog and for your wonderfully enthusiastic comment! Please keep visiting :)

  11. Gorgeous!! Way to bring so much color to a special time. Love that you used gift wrap...that's genius!! I'm absolutely delighted that you linked up yesterday at Mop It Up Monday! I'm featuring you over at The Tuesday Ten: Have a fabulous week!


  12. Love it Doreen! You've earned yourself a feature and thanks so much for helping me make the features full of Chanukah crafts! Thanks so much for sharing on Craft Schooling Sunday! I hope to see you again when the party resume on the first Sunday in January! Have a joyful Chanukah!


  13. I would like to invite you to join me at the Clever Chicks Blog Hop this week!

    I hope you can make it!
    Kathy Shea Mormino
    The Chicken Chick


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