Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Quick Thanksgiving Hostess Gift

You're so lucky that you've been invited to someone else's home for Thanksgiving.  It saves you the aggravation, effort and time basting the turkey!  Of course, I'm only kidding.  If you're entertaining on Thursday, kudos to you! 

However, if you are dining out, and need a hostess gift, here is a quick and easy project you and your children can create.

All you need is a small mason jar with a hinged lid, a package of autumn-hued candy [I used peanut m&m's], and a few embellishments such as twine, fringe, ribbons, flowers, labels and a tag.

The first step is actually the most difficult: filling the jar.  So be very careful.  Fill the jar to the top, avoiding the temptation to eat too much of the candy, or you'll end up with a half-empty (or half-full) jar.  Not such a good gift.  If you did this step correctly, you should have something that looks like this:

The rest is EASY.  Embellish! 
I first wrapped the jar with a piece of canvas fringe.

Then I tied twine around the fringe, using three colors of red, yellow and brown, which just happens to perfectly match the m&m's.

Topped the lid with a sunflower and a tag that I stamped with "thank you."

And you're ready to go! 
Cute mason jar idea
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  1. Yummy! Now that is a gift I'd love to receive. Very sweet! Thanks for stopping by my blog with such lovely comments. I look forward to following your posts too! Especially sweet treats like this!


  2. This is so cute and such a sweet idea! I am a new follower after finding you through a linky party. I hope that you will stop by my site if you get a chance.

  3. Cute gift idea!! Thanks for sharing this!

  4. Thanks for sharing on Throwback Thursday. What a lovely idea!

  5. Who wouldn't love to receive this as a hostess gift? Thanks so much for sharing with this week's Throwback Thursday party.

  6. What a thoughtful project! I'm hosting a link up party on Saturdays at 8 PM called "Found & Foraged"- you can find it this weekend at Hope to see you!

  7. What a darling gift idea! I love the rustic twine and little flower; plus chocolate!
    Thank you for sharing this week at Brag About It link party on VMG206 (Mondays at Midnight). I plan to feature you next week!
    ~ Megin of VMG206


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