Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Last Minute Valentine's Gift for Your Man

With all the pretty Valentine's Day inspiration around,
I think everyone is set with gifts for kids, teachers, parents and neighbors. 
But what about the man in your life?
With only one day left before the big day,
there isn't much time for knitting, decoupaging or painting! 
So what's a girl to do?
[Don't panic!]
I've come up with the ultimate last-minute manly Valentine's gift:
"Beer, Peanuts & The Remote"
What you'll need:
Six-pack of his favorite beer
Over-sized glass beer mug
The Television Remote
and this message:

I printed it out on a paint chip!
I placed the paint chip inside of the mug
and filled the mug with peanuts.
I also added four hearts that I punched out from another paint chip
and added L-O-V-E stickers.
I ran these hearts through my Xyron,
and adhered them to the outside of the mug.

Leave the items on the coffee table in front of the television.
Of course, tell him he must save the beer, nuts & remote
for the weekend.
Because on Valentine's Day, it's all about YOU!
Join me at these fun parties:
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Monday, February 11, 2013

A Red Hot DIY Valentine's Centerpiece

Today I'm guest blogging at
where I'm going to show you how to create this
Valentine's Centerpiece. 
Valentine's Crafts
With a quick trip to the dollar $tore
and to your craft stash,
you can make a few of these fun candy dishes
 in no time at all.
Follow the trail of
and you'll find the E-Z steps
on The Ivy Cottage Blog.
See you there!
Related Posts:
Valentine Quotes

It All Comes Out in the Wash
Valentine's gifts

Come party with me!
Coastal Charm Nifty Thrifty Tuesday
My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia
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Wednesday, February 6, 2013

It All Comes Out in the Washi Tape

My Mom likes to say "Everything comes out in the wash." 
Most stains and spills do come clean when soaked and washed. However, we all know that she really means don't sweat the small stuff.  When something [minor] happens that you don't think is fair, this is a good reminder that things usually turn out well in the end. 
I used this idiom as inspiration for my Washi-embellished altered candy tube.  This project is both practical and pretty.   It's a perfect gift for the college student who, upon occasion or necessity, does his or her laundry.  [Oh, daughter, dear--hope you're reading this!]
This is what you need:  m&m's candy tube, assorted Washi tape, adhesive remover, twine, circle punch, paint chips or cardstock, Mod Podge & brush, stamp and ink pad.  And, a roll of quarters.
First, remove wrapper and clean leftover adhesive.
Next, cover the tube with your favorite Washi tape!
Punch a circle from paint chip or cardstock and adhere to tube lid.

Brush on one coat of Mod Podge. Let dry.

Stamp image on lid. Add twine, attaching it under hinge. 
Print out "It all comes out in the wash!" onto cardstock,
and adhere to tag.  Trim tage with Washi tape.  Tie to twine.
Place a dozen detergent tabs into a cellophane bag.
Cover quarter roll with Washi tape and twine.
Optional:  If, by chance you eat all the candy yourself [don't judge me],
then replace the candy with the quarters. 

And that's it! I'm sure there are many ways to alter this candy tube. In fact, I'm heading over to Pinterest now to pin a few. Want to join me?
Partying at my favorite places here and
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